Questioning Canada 150 Celebrations
Info about the event:
What does the Canada 150 campaign celebrate? Whose perspectives are represented? How does it affect the self-image of those of us who see ourselves as Canadians, and how does it affect relationships between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous people of this land? What are your questions about what this means and what we can do, individually or together?
Please join us for discussion and reflection on these questions and more.
7 PM, Wednesday, June 14
Theatre Auditorium (downstairs), KC Irving Centre, Acadia University
33 University Ave., Wolfville
Short films, radio clips, readings, responses, discussion and reflection.
Light refreshments will be served.
This event is organized by settlers (non-Indigenous peoples) from Annapolis Valley Quaker Meeting and Horizons Community Development Associates, with support from Acadia University’s Community Development Program, in order to help each other unsettle our thinking about the birth of Canada.